About the band!
The Shelburne Band has a long tradition of excellence! About 50% of 6th graders enroll in band. We have the largest band in the Shenandoah Valley and because of this, we are able to have two band directors, Mr. Nesmith and Mr. Wilson. Come see what band is about at our end of the year concert on April 14th in the Staunton High School auditorium. The 6th grade concert is at 5pm and the 7th/8th grade concert is at 6:30pm. You can also see us perform at Gypsy Hill Park at our annual “Party in the Park” performance on Sunday May 5th.
How does someone join band?
Step 1: Guidance will be giving out forms in April to pick electives for 6th Grade. This form has only two options, Band or Non-Band. Select “Band”!
Step 2: You and your parents will come to the “Instrument Tryout Night” on May 8th at Shelburne Middle School to choose your instrument. See the flier at the bottom of this page for more information!
What instruments can I play?
Students can start 6th grade on flute, oboe, bassoon, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, french horn, trombone, euphonium, tuba, and percussion. In 7th grade, they can audition for other instruments such as bass clarinet, tenor sax, and bari sax.
Where can I get instruments?
- Rent-to-own (what most people do)
- Most Expensive
- Can switch instruments if needed
- Flexible Returns
- Purchase New
- Less expensive than renting
- Recommended for percussion
- Small return window
- Safe if buying a GOOD brand
- Avoid ‘too-good-to-be-true’ deals, see “DO NOT BUY” list
- Purchase Used
- Cheapest Option
- Typically needs repairs to work properly
- Typically no returns
- Get a Director to look at it first and we can test it for you
- Rent from Shelburne
- Small number of instruments available, given on first-come-first-served basis
- Instrument stays at Shelburne when the student goes to high school
- Small rental fee paid by semester or by year
What performance opportunities are available?
Our students love participating in the Fall Concert, Winter Parade, Winter Concert, Party in the Park and the Spring Concert. 7th Graders also perform at JMU and 8th graders perform at Kings Dominion!
Does band conflict with sports?
Not typically! Band is a class that you take during the day. Sports happen after school. While we do have some fun after-school music groups like jazz band, these are optional. The only required events outside of normal school hours are the winter and spring concerts which are 34% of the students’ grade. Please note that we can ensure that SCS doesn’t schedule games on our concert days, but we don’t have control over travel sports/dance/gymnastics. Missing a concert for an extra-curricular activity outside of SCS would not be counted as an excused absence for our two required concerts, so please let your coach know our concert dates!
We will visit your elementary school in the spring and have more information for you then! In the meantime, feel free to contact a Band Director with questions!